If you are aged 11-18, please do come along and get involved!
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook!
We would love you to come join us at church every Sunday! We will run sessions during the following times:
Fuse: This will be every Sunday @10:30am where we will have games, teaching, prayer and much more. Fuse is primarily for youth (Year 7 – 9), but welcomes all youth!
Ignite: Before the SixThirty Service, the Older Youth (Year 10 – 13) will have a youth session which starts at 5:30. This time is to help youth go deeper in their relationship with Jesus. Afterwards the SixThirty Service will offer worship and integrate the upcoming generation into the body of the church!
Every Tuesday we host hubs for both the younger youth and older youth.
During these times, there will be downtime such as gaming, sports and much more followed by going deeper about faith, life and helping the youth realise their identity as conquerors in Christ.
Fuse Hub (Year 7 – 9): Wednesdays @ 17:45 – 19:15.
Ignite Hub (Year 10+): Tuesdays @ 19:30 – 21:00.
Small Groups are extremely important in the growth of faith and being led by the Holy Spirit. Our aim with C4 Pods will be to enable fortnightly meet ups with youth leaders to talk about the highs and lows of life and help empower youth through the Holy Spirit to collectively focus on their calling and identity. If you are interested in joining a pod, please contact matt.burrage@ccwoking.org for more information!
Every month we will have youth socials which aim to bring youth together and help them know each other better! Monthly occasions vary, Go Karting, Laser Quest or Thorpe Park are but a few of many things we organise as a group. See the term calendar for details!
We are always looking to grow our team, so please do get in contact with us if you feel a calling to serve young people! Please contact matt.burrage@ccwoking.org if you are interested!
Volunteers serving in the Youth Ministry may escalate Safeguarding concerns to Matt Burrage.