
Giving enables everything we do at Christ Church Woking;

our Services, Youth, Kids, Mission, Courses and Events.

See how your money makes a difference

one-off gift

Make a direct payment securely in ChurchSuite with your card details.

In the ‘My donations are for’ specify which fund you would like the money to go to -

Christ Church General Fund,

Isaiah Fund (supporting our mission partners/organisations),

CAP (Christians Against Poverty) Ministries

or Gateway Building Project Fund.

regularly give

The most helpful way to give is through a standing order

Bank details

Christ Church PCC Woking.

Sort Code: 40-52-40

Account Number: 00010436

Specify which fund you would like the money to go to -

‘Christ Church General Fund’,

‘Isaiah Fund’ (supporting our mission partners/organisations),

‘CAP’ (Christians Against Poverty)

or ‘Gateway Project’

in the reference section when you set up your payment.

You can also use these bank details to make a direct payment as a one-off donation - please specify which fund you want it to go to in the reference section.

gift aid

We encourage all giving to be gift-aided so that tax can be claimed back. If you are a UK taxpayer we can claim basic rate tax back on your donation, which will increase your donation by 25%

If you have any questions about giving please feel free to send us a message on